Thursday, February 13, 2020

Original Fine Art Paintings - Rome, Bavaria

Rome Forum, Late Afternoon, Framed Original Fine Art.

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Forum, Rome, Afternoon. $13 to $24 small, medium-size, prints. Free downloads, wallpaper, ‬‎GrlFineArt. Fine art work. These art works are based on my own original black and white photos, taken back in the 1950's.  For fine art decor, ‪‎fineart,  multimedia classical traditional modern acrylic oil ‪‎painting‬ ‪‎painting‬s prints.
Rome Forum, Late Afternoon, Framed Original Multimedia Painting Fine Art.

In the early 1950's we were overseas for about 4 years, my father worked for post-war recovery under the Marshall Plan. We took several trips there, where I took the black and white photos which are the basis of these current art works.

Street Scene, Mittenwald...

Street Scene, Mittenwald. $13 to $24 small, medium-size, prints. Free downloads, wallpaper, ‬‎GrlFineArt. Fine art work. These art works are based on my own original black and white photos, taken back in the 1950's.  For fine art decor, ‪‎fineart, europe, rome, bavaria. multimedia classical traditional modern acrylic oil ‪‎painting‬ ‪‎painting‬s prints.
Original Photo, Multimedia Fine Art. I took the original photo, black and white, back in the early 1950's.

Rome Forum, Detail...

Rome Forum, Detail. $13 to $24 small, medium-size, prints. Free downloads, wallpaper, ‬‎GrlFineArt. Fine art work. These art works are based on my own original black and white photos, taken back in the 1950's.  For fine art decor, ‪‎fineart, europe, rome, bavaria. multimedia classical traditional modern acrylic oil ‪‎painting‬ ‪‎painting‬s prints.

FOTO Karwendel.

FOTO Karwendel. $13 to $24 small, medium-size, prints. Free downloads, wallpaper, ‬‎GrlFineArt. Fine art work. These art works are based on my own original black and white photos, taken back in the 1950's.  For fine art decor, ‪‎fineart, europe, rome, bavaria. multimedia classical traditional modern acrylic oil ‪‎painting‬ ‪‎painting‬s prints.
Mittenwald, Bavaria, from original black and white, probably 1950.